Jetlag – the solution

Jetlag is an awful waste of time. When I fly, I can avoid it because I know what to do. I recently had an acquaintance of mine flying home from Australia. As you can probably guess, that’s a lot of time zones. So I sent her some instructions on kinesiological points to interact with at specific times to help take the edge off the jetlag.  Here’s our diagram here:

So how does that work? Well, let’s say you’re flying out of Melbourne at 2 pm and you’ll get to Doha (common halfway point) at 9:30 pm, flight time is 7 hours 30 minutes and you’ll be sipping water on the way I’m sure. Let’s look at the chart and work out which point you want for departure. For the purposes of calculations here, work from the timezone you’re in right now. I’m in GMT myself, so right now (as I type) it’s about 7 pm.

Sorry if this is a bit fuzzy. I can’t enlarge it too much or it’ll be pixelated.

So you’re in Melbourne, it’s 2pm, you’re on the plane settling in, and you’re about to push back. Since it’s 2 PM, the chart says we’re in SI, down the bottom, 7 segments clockwise. This chart is actually pretty simple. You don’t need to worry about the numbers. If you’re interested, have a look at a full meridian chart. If you’ve ever been to acupuncture, (and I’d recommend it) you might have seen a meridian chart on the wall. This chart we see here is the simplified jetlag specific chart, so we don’t have to worry about finding the right liver meridian point.

As you can see from the chart, SI5 is on the outside of your right wrist, near the knobbly bony bit I’d refer to as the malleolus. Now don’t be asking me how those Chinese lads figured this stuff out. They’re a hell of a lot smarter than I am. Years ahead of their time. Sure they invented gunpowder, and didn’t use it to try to blow up parliament. Of course that’s a topic for another day.

So now we know your first point. What’s your second point? Ok, you’re landing into Doha at 9:30pm, so you’re just entering into the TH6 point at that stage. TH6 corresponds to left forearm, about halfway up.

Great, so now we have our points for this particular trip at this particular time – right wrist (on the outside) and left forearm. I reckon you can probably reach these two at the same time. Don’t worry if you can’t. Doing them sequentially still works. Start with your departure point (so that’ll be SI5 for this trip) and then do TH6. These two points are reasonably close together when you cross your arms, so you should be able to reach them both.

You can just press or rub or generally stimulate the points in a modality of accupressure massage if you know that that is. Of course I’d do it for you, but this technique works best just before takeoff. On the way down again, about 2 hours before you land, you’ll want to do your second point again, in this case TH6.

Now depending on where you read, different places and websites will tell you different things. This website reckons you should keep moving your second point forward with your origin point every 2 hours, but of course I’d be thinking you’d do yourself a better favour and try to sleep on the plane. In both cases of course, you do your 2-hours-before-you-land point by itself, because that’s the last one. Anecdotal testing by my clients says this works well. Don’t worry if you forget the points on the way down.

I’d particularly like to hear from you if you’re a pilot or aircrew. This should be useful. You’re only looking to need to learn 12 points, and of course you can download the chart into your phone for later reference. As with everything related to Amatsu, the worst that it’ll do is nothing at all. But of course be sensible and don’t go poking yourself too much, because I don’t want you sore, or set forth on a litigious warpath.

And of course of course, accepts no responsibility for injuries or discomfort arising from executed suggested techniques mentioned anywhere on the website. They are obviously just suggestions and should naturally be taken with a grain of salt. If you need a pinch salt, drop in and I reckon I’ll be able to help.

Bon voyage everyone!

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